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비지니스 영어 이메일 - 이메일의 시작 표현 _ 006 정보를 확인하며 시작할때


006 정보를 확인하며 시작할때


I was told that you have some trucks for sales. --> I was told that ~라고라고 들었다. for sales 판매용의

트럭을 판매 하신다고 들었습니다.


I heard that your company offers one of the most reputable training programs.--> reputable 명성있는명성 있는,유명한,  알려진

귀사에서 훌륭한 연수프로그램을 운영한다고 들었습니다.


I was told that we need to apply for the bidding again by this coming Wednesday--> apply for ~  신청하다. bidding 입찰.

이번 수요일까지 재입찰해야 한다고 들었습니다.



I was informed that your boss is visiting Japan next month to promote you new product.--> be informed ~라는 정보를 듣다, 전해듣다전해 듣다. promote ~ 홍보하다

신제품을 홍보를 위해 사장님이 다음 달에 일본에 방문 하신다고 들었습니다.


I was told that you have highly technical experise in manufacturing the product.--> experise 전문지식, 전문기술(력)

귀사가 제품 제조에 관한 기술력이 뛰어나다고 들었습니다.


We were informed of you product, which are moderately priced and good quality.--> moderately priced 가격이 저렴한, 적당한. of good quality 품질이 좋은

귀사가 저렴하면서도 품질이 좋은 제품을  만드신다고 들었습니다.


I am happy to find that you are satisfied with the quality of our products.--> be happy to find ~ 알게 되어 기쁘다.

저희 제품의 품질에 대해 만족하고 계신다니 기쁩니다.


I was asked to email you that my boss is arriving two hours ahead of schedule.--> ahead of schedule 일정보다 앞서

우리 사장님이 예정보다  시간 먼저 도착 하신다는 내용의 이메일 보내라는 요청을 받았습니다.

