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비지니스 영어 이메일 - 이메일의 시작 표현 _ 027 첨부파일이 없거나 열리지 않을 때


027 첨부파일이 없거나 열리지 않을 



I received your email, but is does not have any attachments. --> attachment 첨부파일

메일은 받았는데, 첨부파일이 없네요.


I think you forgot to attach the file in your email. --> forget to ~하는 것을 잊다, 깜빡하다

파일을 첨부하시는 것을 깜빡하셨나 봅니다.


You seem to have forgotten the attachment. Please email me again.

첨부파일을 잊으신  같습니다. 다시 메일 보내 주세요.


Your email arrived okay, but the attachment is empty.

메일은  받았습니다. 그런데 첨부파일에 아무것도 없네요.


When I open the attachment file, the font is broken. --> the font is broken/unrecognizable 글자가 깨졌다

첨부파일을 열면 글씨가 모두 깨져 보입니다.


I cannot open the attachment file.

첨부파일이 열리지 않습니다.


I'm sorry, but the attachment file does not open.

죄송합니다만 첨부파일이 열리지 않습니다.


I am unable to open the attached Excel file.

첨부하신 엑셀파일을  수가 없습니다.


Please email me again with the attachment as I cannot open it.

첨부파일이 열리지 않으니, 다시 보내 주시기 바랍니다.


Please email me again as I cannot open the attachment file.

첨부파일이 열리지 않습니다. 다시 메일 보내주세요.


You attached the wrong file. Please check it and send me the right one.

다른 파일이 첨부된  같습니다. 확인하시고다시 한번 보내주세요.


I cannot open the attached file. Which application program do I have to use for this file.  -> application program 응용 프로그램

첨부파일을  수가 없네요. 어떤 프로그램으로 열어야 하나요?



Would you please let me know what the attachment file is about as the file will not open?

첨부파일이 열리지 않아서 그러는데, 무슨 내용인지 알려 주시기 바랍니다.


Please indicate what the attachment file is about because I am afraid of getting a computer virus. --> get a computer virus. 컴퓨터가바이러스에 감염되다

바이러스 감염 우려가 있어서 여쭙니다만, 첨부파일 내용이 무엇인지 알려 주시기 바랍니다.


I downloaded the attachment to my computer, but it won't open.

첨부파일을  컴퓨터에 다운로드 받았는데, 열리지 않습니다.


The attachment does not open as it has been corrupted. --> corrupt ~ 오염시키다, 더럽히다

첨부파일이 손상되어 열리지 않습니다.


The attached document in the email forwarded to me won't open. --> forward (이메일 등을) ~에게 전달하다

  전달된 이메일에 첨부된 파일이 열리지 않습니다.


I cannot open the attached file because of a computer application compatibility issue. --> compatibility 호환성

컴퓨터 프로그램 호환성 문제 때문에 첨부파일을 열어  수가 없습니다.


I cannot open a file saved in a new version. Can you save the file in the old version and send it again? new version  버전

제 컴퓨터에는 신버전의파일이 열리지 않습니다. 구버전으로 다시 정해서 보내 주실  있습니까?

